Thursday, May 15, 2008

Warrior Song

Words of a warrior

No sacrifice too great a price

To pay if freedom it shall suffice.

To uplift our scummy conditions,

Daily making the best of bad situations

Intrepid, brave-hearted and strong

Imbue us with the pride to dance to our songs

Songs of redemption,

To the sound of our own beating drums,

Warrior songs.

Ochre on the face, blood stains grace

The mane on my head. I am a man.

Eyes on my nape – unevolved ape

Spear in the air, baying for victory

Shield on my side to make sure am not history.

No brass band in tow, dulcet and all

Our kick\s our heartbeat, snare’s our feet and ground’s kiss

Imbue us with pride to tap to our music,

The sound of our own beating hearts

Warrior songs.