Monday, June 22, 2009

Couldn't stop the clock...

Ok. No, seriously. You know when you've been away for a while, a very long, long while, you wish time hadn't moved so so much wouldn't have changed (I know I do!). Alot's happened, heck I don't even wanna be called poet these days. Now don't get it twisted, not that I have lost my braiding ways with my pen, far from that. I just think I haven't graduated. I'm still thinking hard about this one. That's a poem for another day...
Part of why I've been M.I.A. is because I decided I should write more than I type. Hence I ain't posted a line or two in the past eeeh....few months.
Ok. Now since I couldn't do nothing with the time, lets just call it a post. In the words of Dilated Peeps...Back Again!!!