Friday, March 28, 2008

The Rain...

Here's story that must be told. How ur sprung one minute before u notice it's only u in it....she was supposed to hear this but didn't...check it out.

The sun, no more
The clouds close draw,
silver linings and all.
Take over the skies,adjusting hue and glare
As though charging outward, thunder sounds
Don't bother hiding, not even underground.

The rain falls and soaks the earth,
irresistable, the smell of soaked earth.
Then starts flowing, gliding in streams
Without a cut channel so free
is the flow, heade wherever they're led.

It rains on me, I can't hug it,
It's allover my skin, I can't touch it,
It dances on my lips, still can't k
and I'd sure want to own it if drenched my soul.

I know I can't stop the rain, and it sounds insane,
that what yuor father calls you, our name,
is what my forefathers call you, the rain.

(see she 'mbura' in my community stands for rain, and 'nya' she who has it. I thought she was the rain. She wasn't)

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