Sunday, November 8, 2009

Of Wishes &Taboos...

And I'm back again...this time courtesy of the plain will to write down a journal and not the characteristic flow and all.

What shocks me is the nature of my inspiration; thinking I have so much to paint on my canvas, then not knowing what strokes my brush should take once the paint kisses the bristles. Sounds like a daunting task but it's really just about the people I've met the past few days. I might be waxing emotional as well, but I now believe delving into the depth of these very emotions is the ultimate measure of the impact people who walk through our lives leave in us.

Like I said, it's true that from this awesome conference I've been on (I believe I 'forgot' to mention this) I carry home with me more than my suitcase and backpack. What I have is that inevitible hangdown, but most importantly, the knowledge that I'm a single piece in a jigsaw puzzle that can only be completed by very different people from different parts of the globe (with a few pointers from a neighbouring galaxy, I can bet you). And that is what i had my 'new' wish built on.

Just for the record, I make afew wishes every now and then using the most 'fairy-friendly' techniques and mythical procedures that suite the situation at any one time. So this time, I still did it, only I also want to break the no. 1 taboo in the book of Wish Making: never disclose what you wished for. And the reason I shall disclose what it was is pretty simple; they never come true if I keep them to myself anyway!

So this new wish in the old town of Heidelberg, after tossing a coin backward into a fountain (go ahead and try it, it might work for you) was that this hug puzzle be completed. I donn't know how or when, but I believe impossible is nothing (pun intended). But because my wish backs me up, what I believe isn't really that important. What the question really is, is do YOU have hope in your wishes?


Tervisemari said...


Okay, now I know your blog and watching you !! :)

Anonymous said...

SAAMMOOOOOOORAAA! You`re my brother from another mother! :D

Tervisemari said...

Well..I guess you have two more sisters now !! :D

Anonymous said...

I guess I have one brother and one sister more :D

That Guy said...

then that makes one big, happy family :D